Wellness at work

Gratitude as a strategy for employee happiness and productivity

Lisa Season 1 Episode 1

It's well documented that the likes of Arianna Huffington, Tony Robbins and Oprah Winfrey use gratitude practices to prime themselves for a successful day. So how can employers encourage their people to embrace this practice to feel better and do better at work?

Lisa Mahoney speaks to Ivy Malik, a mindset and business coach on:

  • An easy way to cultivate gratitude every day before starting work
  • The power of positive visualisation
  • How businesses can use gratitude as a tool to support happier and more productive employees
  • The impact of leading teams with gratitude

You can find Ivy on Instagram and Facebook: @ivymalikofficial

Interested in being a guest on the Wellness at work podcast? Email us or connect with Lisa on LinkedIn.


About Amiqus
Amiqus is but a wee Scottish tech for good company, driven by its values of trust, accessibility and privacy. But this podcast isn't about our tech product or what we do day to day. It's about the culture that we've worked hard to create which really has employee wellbeing at the very heart of it. Utilising what we've learned over the years and some very knowledgeable friends and contacts, we bring you this podcast to help you navigate employee wellbeing in a very challenging time.