Wellness at work

The ROI of healthier employee snacking

Lisa Mahoney | Amiqus Season 1 Episode 2

Gone are the days of employers being able to rely on the office fruit bowl to claim they’re looking after employee health. As lockdown hit and many of us started working from home, sneaking to the kitchen cupboard for a sugary biscuit or indulging in lunchtime takeaways were justified with thoughts of this is only temporary.

But as time has gone on, it's become clear that we're in this for the long haul and our habits need to change.

And this isn't just about our waistlines. Nutrition has a huge impact on our productivity and happiness.

Snackcess have made it their mission to address this. Born out of lockdown and delivering healthy snack packages to employees on behalf of employers and educating people on how to form healthier habits and why it's important.

Lisa Mahoney speaks to Sonny Drinkwater of Snackcess on:

  • The impact of healthy eating on employee cognitive function
  • How lockdown has impacted our eating habits
  • Tactics for putting nutrition on the agenda at work today

Interested in being a guest on the Wellness at work podcast? Email us or connect with Lisa on LinkedIn.


About Amiqus
Amiqus is but a wee Scottish tech for good company, driven by its values of trust, accessibility and privacy. But this podcast isn't about our tech product or what we do day to day. It's about the culture that we've worked hard to create which really has employee wellbeing at the very heart of it. Utilising what we've learned over the years and some very knowledgeable friends and contacts, we bring you this podcast to help you navigate employee wellbeing in a very challenging time.